New Terrain Bits

The first batch of the new resin roads, that were supplied by a good friend, have been completed. And a good match they are for the game mats too!

They are apparently old Forge World items. Sadly I see nothing of this sort on their site any longer. Dang.

The roads!

These roads will be usable for most of the games we play. There are some exceptions…

I’ve also finished a BUA for Classical period DBA. This thing is a BEAST. It weighs several metric tonnes (not literally, ed.) and seems to be made of the same material that garden gnomes are cast out of. Let’s just say there was no way that I was going to trim any of the flash off of this! I’m not sure of the manufacturer (I though it was from JR Miniatures, but I cannot find it on their website… perhaps obsolete?). Anyway, it’s big enough to fit a single element of just about anything inside as a garrison. Only now, as I type this, I realise that I could have added a photo with an element inside it for scale. Maybe in another post.