Abyssal Lords, and a Mummy Troop

I have recently completed some random stuff for armies here and there. Sometimes you just have to paint up odd things for no apparent reason.

This time I’m painting a bunch of Archfiends of the Abyss, and the first is finished and ready to join his army, some of which is waiting to be rebased away from HoTT (sadly, no games of that fantastic rule setĀ have even looked like happening šŸ˜¦ ). So KoW here we come…

First up, here is Ygg’thruiiigh’n, Archfiend of the Abyss. Just call itĀ Bob. ItĀ seems to answer to that.

He’s a Reaper Bones model, and has again surprised me with just how well these figures can paint up. They’re also just a bit heavier than plastic models of the same size, but far lighter than metal models would be.

This is a big model, that’s a 50mm square base.

Whilst we are on the topic of Abyssal nasties, here’s the Lord of Lies from my collection. No, I can’t spell its name. Don’t ask.

It’sĀ an old Citadel model from many moons ago, painted by my brother when he was into the whole miniatures hobby thing. Still a good looking sculpt.

And to finish, some progress on an existing army project. It’s an updating of my old Mummy Half-Troop from an earlier edition of Kings of War. With a recent rules update this particular unit vanished from the list of permitted Mummy configurations. I’ve known they’d need a rebase and some extra bandage-heads to be legal in the game. Now it’s done. Extra figures from the “Undead Box” and a new base and we are rockin’ the afterlife…

The left pic is the “Before” shot, the one on the right is “After”.

They’ve been nerfed a bit in the latest edition, but heh. Every undead host needs some.